Dear Friends in Christ, July/August 2012
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the
Lord for you and deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support for the work in Mexico.
It would be much more difficult without your sacrifice.
Susie and I are doing well in our travels on furlough. We were able to see the birth of our ninth grandchild! Gabriel James Biven was born to our fourth son Justin and his wife Amber (their fourth) on July 17, 2012. He weighed 10 lbs. / 11 ounces and was 22 inches long. He had already out grown his new born diapers! What a wonderful blessing from the Lord.
The churches are doing well in spite of the “summer slump” that several have experienced. In July several of our churches joined together for their first annual Children’s Conference. More than 150 children attended along with dozens of parents. There were 65 children and 12 adults who accepted Christ as Savior!
July and August were camp months. Attendance was down because of the violence, but there were two camps. Several young people were saved, and five surrendered to the Lord.
We also had our convocation to start off a new year at the Ambassador Baptist Bible College. I was able to preach the message and welcome the 150 visitors and ten new students.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Rick and Susie