Dear Friends in Christ, September/October 2012
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you and deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support for the work in Mexico.
We are thankful for the faithfulness and dedication of the pastors and Bible College staff that continue with the work in our absence.
Our oldest grandson Joshua (18) recently accepted Christ as his Savior! He called to tell me the good news and to ask me to baptize him. He is flying from Maryland to Texas where we are doing furlough so I can baptize him. Isn’t that great! PTL!
Several churches celebrated Mexico’s Independence Day on September 16th with Noche Mexicana (Mexican Night) special services. They passed out hundreds of invitations and had many visitors. The decorations, activities, and preaching were outstanding. The fellowship and food afterward was great with outside food courts, games and activities. Over 75 souls were saved in special services at the churches and some in neighborhood plazas!
The Ambassador Baptist Bible College is doing well with 20 students this year but down in attendance because of the violence in this rural area and parents’ concerns for their safety after the armed assault that happened in April.
The students are excited about this year and are working hard. Through the evangelistic efforts of the college staff and students, another 72 souls have trusted Christ!
Yours in Christ, Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Rick and Susie