May / June 2014
Dear Friends in Christ, May / June 2014
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you and deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support for the work in Mexico.
Remember our prayer request for our son Jeremy and Maria and their baby due in July? The baby is a boy (James Alexander) and had been diagnosed with spineabiphida. His spine had developed on the outside of his body, and the brain stem was not connected properly. He had water on the brain, clubbed feet, and was going to be totally paralyzed and totally dependent on his parents if he even survives the birth. The doctors suggested an abortion because of the severity of the deformities, but Jeremy and Maria rejected that and decided to accept the conditions of the baby as God decides.
We have wonderful news! The doctors are amazed that the baby no longer has water on the brain; his brain stem is intact; he no longer has clubbed feet; and his spine is almost totally enclosed within his body. God has been so wonderful to answer your prayers for this young couple. Thank you all so much!
We have had over 25 souls saved and 14 baptized since our last update. Mother’s Day was celebrated in several of the churches which saw many adult visitors. There were other professions of faith in Christ as well!
The new mission in Mier y Noriega is doing well as we are now meeting in a member’s home near the center of town. There are some wonderful possibilities for this work in a town with no evangelical church of any kind.
We had a wonderful Bible College graduation with 300 present and six graduating!
We have the summer challenges before us as we try to make some improvements to the dormitories and keep the grounds in good shape with the old mowers. Please remember to pray for this need to buy new mowers. God bless.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Rick and Susie