Dear Friends in Christ, January/February 2017
Susie and I are doing well with good health and many blessings on the ministry. We praise God for His blessings in the churches. There have been over 38 souls saved and several presented for baptism! Friend Day was one of the special events that many churches participated in by passing out thousands of fliers and invitations to the communities. Dozens of new adults and children arrived and heard the Gospel. Many of them trusted in Jesus, and the children were given candy and surprises.
We praise the Lord for the Bible Institute students and their involvement in ministry. The students have won more than 25 to Christ these two months. They had a great missions trip to Los Fresnillos (‘fresneeyos’) for a week and spent several days at a pastors’ conference there singing, doing dramas, teaching, and soul winning. Several pastors were encouraged to send their prospective Bible Institute students to our school starting in September.
The students funded most of their trip through the pies they made and sold in the churches and communities months before. This annual trip is one-third of their missions grade, so all students must participate in order to pass the missions course.
We are very thankful for the churches that contributed to paying off the loan to repair the staff and married dorm roofs damaged by the earthquakes last September. Now we can work on the roof for our house that was also damaged. Also, we thank a dear friend for his special gift that allowed us to buy lawn tractors and equipment for the college and youth camp. Thank you and God bless you all.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Rick and Susie