Dear Friends in Christ, March/April 2017
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you and deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support for the work in Mexico.
Susie and I are doing well and in good health except for the arthritis pain and discomfort that always seems to be hanging around. We are so thankful for the Lord’s many blessings in the churches. There have been over 52 souls saved and 8 baptisms!
Children’s Day was one of the special events that many churches participated in. There were piñatas, candy, and clowns for the children, and many adults as well as the children responded to the Gospel.
We praise the Lord for the Bible Institute students and their involvement in ministry. The students have won more 38 to Christ these two months. They are finishing up their studies in April and will be preparing for the school’s graduation during the first week of May. Graduation day is May 5th.
We did a brief furlough time of three weeks and are grateful to the churches for their hospitality and fellowship. The love offerings helped us to pay $4,000 on a new loan for the roof on our house. We still need $5,500.00 to finish the loan. Then we will need help with legalizing a van for the Bible Institute. The van legalization will cost $900 to $1,000. If there is a church or individual that would be interested in donating a van in good mechanical condition for our ministry, please let me know. Thank you and God bless you all.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Rick and Susie