June / July 2017
Dear Friends in Christ, June / July 2017
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you and deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support for the work in Mexico.
We had a wonderful 2017 graduation with about 400 present for the two graduates. Pastor Mario Carranco preached the charge to the student body and congregation, and we had a great time of fellowship during the graduation dinner. The students will return on September 3rd and 4th, and the convocation will be on the 4th with the first day of classes beginning on the 5th.
Now that the public schools are finally out for summer break, the churches are doing VBSs. Hundreds of kids are being ministered to, and the Gospel is presented to the kids and their parents. There are piñatas, candy, and clowns for the children, and many new adult contacts will be made for future home visits.
We praise the Lord for the Bible Institute students and their involvement in ministry. Of course they are off campus right now until September. However, there is a lot going on while they are away. Windows are being reconfigured and installed in Carter Hall (the married dorms), an apartment remodel for our new dean and his family is taking place, and relocation of the girls’ dorm closer to the bathrooms will be done. Thanks to some offerings from a dear friend, we have been able to acquire another work vehicle, legalize a van for the Bible Institute, and begin the work for the school campus.
Please pray for our family. My mother passed on July 19th after a brief illness, and it hit everyone pretty hard. My three sisters, Susie and I are doing better now but still feel the void left behind by the one who was the bedrock of our family. Special days throughout the year will never be the same without her. We know she is in a much better place now with Jesus and dad and others that went on before her. We love you mom and will miss you greatly.
Yours in Christ, Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Rick and Susie