Dear Friends in Christ, September / October 2018
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for you and deeply appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support for us and the work in Mexico.
The churches are doing well and growing. More than 23 souls have been saved in the churches through their evangelistic efforts and special services like Noche Mexicana, independence celebration. PTL!
The Bible College campus is busy once again with the new school year beginning. We have 16 students this year. Through their evangelistic efforts, the students have won 25 souls these two months! PTL!
We have three special needs for you to pray about. 1) Susie’s Christmas Kids’ Offering to help us with candy and gifts for 500-600 kids. 2) Two Scholarships for three students for the school year, one married couple ($466.00), and one single young man ($383.00).
The married couple, Reyes and Ceci, (with 3 kids) are pastoring a mission nearby in a poor village and have very little financial help. Plácedo’s parents will not help him because they want him to go to a secular trade school. 3) We need $4,500.00 to purchase two vehicles for two of the churches. Please consider helping with these special projects. Thank you all, and God bless. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Rick and Susie